lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2008


Well its been a while since i have updated this blog and with good reason too. My son was born November 24, 2008 at 7:00pm. His name is Joel Josiah Aycock and he is the cutest thing in the world. I will try to update pictures on the blog. I used to update the pictures all the time but the internet that i have now is not very fast and it takes a few hours to upload pictures.

In filter news....We have started putting in filters in a new village called Santa Lucia. It is a smaller village than the two before but it is also alot more poor. Please keep the people of Santa Lucia in your prayers. It has been really busy with the birth of my son so we are a little behind with installing the filters. We have plans to go back this week to continue installing the filters if it doesnt rain and the river doesnt rise. I will hope to put up some pictures of the village of Santa Lucia sometime.

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