miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2008

There has been some interesting news that i head concerning me and the filters that i have put in the village of Joconalis. A few weeks ago a fellow came to me and told me that there are some people that were mad at me because of the filters. i thought that it could have been because they wanted a filter but it was something else. I asked who it was and why they were mad and this is what he told me....He said that it is the truck that brings up pure bottled water to the village that is mad because i took away his business. He told me that that truck doesnt ever make the trip up the mountain anymore. The people have been so happy and satisfied with the filters and now they have extra money in the pockets that could go for food, clothes, or a number of other things. This story really made me feel good because it shows that the filters work and the people trust them as well as me. Me having their trust is hugh because it gives me the opportunity to share the love of Christ.

Another story comes from the house where i put a filter with the group that came down to help. The only water they had was a stream that ran through their land. The problem is that up-stream is a corral where cows are milked twice a day, and it is the main water source for those cows to drink out of. Before we put a filter in that house the kids were always sick and always had rashes all over their body. I recently went back there to see if everything was good with the filter and how was their health. She told me that they use the filter every day and they kids have not been sick since they started drinking the water and the rashes have gone away as well.

Hearing stories like these has really helped me stay focus on how important my work is here. I am also praying that help will come because it is getting more and more difficult as i try to start other villages and still need to keep in contact with the old villages. Please keep praying for me, my wife, and my ministry here in Honduras

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