sábado, 14 de julio de 2007

What This is All About

My name is Joel Aycock and after having just graduated college I had no idea what I wanted to do. I have felt God's call on my life to do mission work but did not know when, where, or what to do. I received some information of something called a BioSand Water Filter used by many organizations all around the would to give people pure water at very little cost while still being very effective. I decided to move down to Honduras for 6 months to start a water purification project in the Mountains of Copan. While living in Honduras I will get a glimpse of how it is to live as a missionary in a different country alone and also by faith for everything I may need. During these months I hope to try to discern what God has planed for the rest of my life. I am excited about this opportunity as well as what God has planned for my life.

1 comentario:

mom dijo...

Hey Joel,
I am also excited about all that God has planned for your life!
Stay clinging to Him and devoted to His word. Enjoy living the "great adventure"... I know you'll do great there because country boys can survive.
Love you, mom