lunes, 22 de octubre de 2007


I finally have the chance to update my blog and i have added some new photos also. To see them all you need to do is click on the photo link from the previous post and you can see the new ones also. I think they are a little bigger also.

For the past two weeks I have been traveling back and forth to Joconalis and Manguito. Why you might ask...Well I have finally begun installing the filters I have been making for the past few months. This has been quite an exciting time for me as well as the people of the villages because it is something that we both have been waiting to do for months.

In Joconalis, where we had installed one filter previously that didnt work, now has 6 working filters that can supply water to more than 60 families. Thats about 400 people. I had spent two full days washing all the sand and rock that I had to get the dirt out of it and with that, the filters work wonderful. The papers say that each filter should produce water at a rate of 1 liter per minute. Glory to God my filters do not filter at that rate. I strongly believe that God used the first filter that did not work to humble me and teach me patience and perseverance. With that being said I also believe that God has blessed the filters and doubled the rate of water being filtered to 2 liters per minute. In Joconalis there is a filter at 3 homes, the church/nutritional center/pastors home, medical clinic, and school. I have more filters ready to transport there and hope to go back sometime this week or the beginning of next week. Please continue to pray for the people of Joconalis

In Manguito, we had transported 6 filters but had yet to install any. We were waiting for the time when the men of the homes did not have work to do so they could show us where they wanted them. We finally found a time and have now installed 3 filters there. We could have done more but they had a town meeting with the mayor of El Paraiso to discuss things that needed to be done in the community. These filters have also been timed and have the same flow rate as the ones in Joconalis. There are more filters to be installed in Manguito and we hope to go back there some time next week as well. With the filters that have been installed in both villages are supplying clean water as we speak to about 600+ people (this includes the kids at the school). Please continue to pray for the people and the filters of Manguito also.

I have realized the importance of clean water, not only for myself but also for those who live in the rural mountain villages. Working/construction the filters in the compound in El Paraiso I have seen many kids who have been brought to the clinic with serious diarrhea, worms, intestinal problems, and other sickness that are caused by drinking contaminated water. Please continue to pray for the filters and that they will filter water more pure than any one could imagine. Thanks for all your prayers and I will update this thing again when I have something else to say.

6 comentarios:

admin dijo...

Hey Joel,

I'm glad to see things are going well there. You are saving lives and souls. Keep us updated. We will keep you in our prayers.

Those lives will be your crown in which you will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 2:19)


Susan Nolin dijo...


I'm trying this one more time. Not having much luck in leaving you a message. I've been keeping an eye on your website - loving all the updates - Ha! Know that you have been in our prayers and that you are doing great work! Keep it up!


k8y dijo...

hey Joel,
I'm glad you made it down safe and that everything is working out. the families you are reaching will be touched for generations to come. the Lord is the same one that told you to go to Honduras and He is the one that is standing beside you while you shine with His glory, He is always the same from every passing day. Lean on Him when the sun beats down and you are thirsty. do not get discouraged. I truly wish i was there with you. we are connected in Spirit and i pray for you, those you reach, and the ones yet to be reached.

your sis in Christ
katie nolin

Delores dijo...

Hi Joel,
It's great to read your blog. You are blessing those folks with both drinking and spiritual water. It's been one of those days that it was really hard for me to see God's hand working out His plan but through reading your blog He (and you) have provided some real encouragement.

We're praying for you and RTR!!!

Katherine dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Katherine dijo...

joel...i wish i could know more about your life these days. matt thinks about you all the time and we would LOVE to hear from you. we're both praying for your time and work there. miss you, katherine