sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2007

Email Me

Im thinking about starting a type of newsletter type thing. I havent really decided how often I would send one out, but I am thinking about maybe once a month. This would not take the place of this blog but only be something else with maybe more information, needs that I might have, ways you could help, or random stuff. I am just thinking that some people might like to have a hard copy of things that are going on down here. I know alot of adresses and I could look in a phone book for those who I dont have, but if you would like to receive a newsletter then please send me your adress. My email is Bigred_30@yahoo.com. It would be best for me to receive adresses by emails and not on the comment page. Also if you know someone who might be interested in what I am doing or does not have internet, then you could send me their adress as well. I do not know when the first newsletter will go out but probably sometime in the next couple of months. Thanks

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